
Sorry, its been a while since my last post, as my laptop is gone and tennis has begun, I do not have much time. However, here is the second post, from Lucky or Smart?

Entrepreneurs are born, not made is the title of the chapter, and Bo shares his childhood ventures, that show he was born an entrepreneur. When he was 10, he mowed the lawns. When he was 13, he snow-blowed the driveways next to those lawns, and when he was 16, he seal-coated the driveways. He already had the customers, and they were willing to pay more for each job. If when you look up at a cloud, and think if there was a way to create or dissolve clouds in a predefined area, then he says, you are an entrepreneur. He says if you wonder, like I do, how clouds are made…then you are too smart to be an entrepreneur. He goes on in the next chapter, stating that entrepreneurs are B students, and managers are the A students. He says B students know something about a lot of things, however A students know everything, but just about one thing. The B student entrepreneurs need the A students as managers.

My take: Whatever he said seems right, to a point. Entrepreneurs have the vision and need the very smart people to help them. As I am reading the book, intending to eventually become an entrepreneur, I felt he was saying all I was good for is a manager. So, I kept thinking of the exceptions…the first one being Bill Gates, of course. Then, he did mention the exceptions at the end, and I was glad he did…otherwise he would be forgetting the top two richest people. You see, I will be applying all of his advice in my life…however, as I said before, I will be founding my company, and working in and managing it as well. However, it goes without saying, I will be surrounded by very intelligent people, and I will take their advice, whether it is on managing, or developing or venturing into new fields that they are more familiar with than I.

1 Response to “Entrepreneurs…”

  1. 1 Anonymous Trackback on June 28, 2006 at 8:22 am

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June 2006